As I reviewed the watercolours that I have done, I realised that I kept coming back to 'water' as a theme. I don't know if it is the calming, refreshing and often stimulating sounds that water in motion makes, or the lack of sound from still water that attracts me? I find this 'element' of creation very visually & imaginatively stimulating - ranging from the dynamics of a fast flowing agitated surface, to the calm smoothness that is animated by all that is reflected in it - not to mention the mysteries of what exists below the surface. Visually and audibly, water is an evocative and life-sustaining substance that has many different facets and moods, many taken from the world around it. Sometimes it is still and silky smooth, giving a fresh perspective to the objects reflected on its surface. At other times it can be violently crashing, or excitedly bubbling, moving in seemingly chaotic ways, which on closer inspection reveal repeating patterns & cycles that it plays as it rides over the anointed objects that lie in its path. But whether splashing or motionless, water keeps the secret of what lies under its surface. It challenges the observer to try to fathom what mysteries are there. The inscrutable surface may give clues, but it never reveals all, at time distorting the truth in sparkling innocence. Sometimes it looks solid enough to walk on, but we know better - or do we? The 'earthy' landed themes include the beginning of a series about 'allotments'. The world of the 'allotment' is quite fascinating. The combination of things new & old, growing & collapsing in this strange shanty town, where order and chaos battle it out through the seasons, provide a backdrop to curious events. Finally, a small collection of watercolours that feature animals. *** The label 'FOR SALE' on an image indicates that EDITION PRINTS are available of that image; NOT that the ORIGINAL is for SALE ***